Tuesday, May 31, 2011

the role of a man and a woman in society

Are gender roles changing in your country?
Yes the roles are changing in my country, because the women are not longer consider the weak sex, this is because the women are taking the spaces that before suppose to be for men and they are treated like an equal.
-At work (Are there different barriers for men and women at work?)
In the work there are some differences between men and women, for example a woman earn less money that a men for the same job, this is because in Chile is not accepted that we are the same, but that is changing, I think that is going to take some time but some day we are going to be treated like the same. 
-At home (Who does most of the work at home?)
Probably are still the women who do the work at home, but is changing. Before the only thing that women has to do was do the home work and take care of the kids, but now that is changing because women are studying just like men does and there are some man that do the work at home. 
Who do you think has life easier in your country, a man or a woman? Why? 
I think both, it depends on the different realities that the person have, sometimes the life is easier for men for example the earn more in a work or is easier for them to get a job, but in the other hand sometimes are women that are treated the same. 
 Is equality between men and women possible?
I think it is but our society have to change, because we cannot think any more that there is a superior raze, we have to understand that we are just different, and that we need each other to live.


  1. I share your thought, I also think that when we get to understand that we are all different, that's when we are gonna have equality.

  2. i'm absolutely agree with you Cata! we need live together and this is the most important thing
